Monday, December 6, 2010

Nick: Day 63 - What's Next?

Day 63: Final Fit Test (10:15am)

Ladies and gentlemen, yesterday I have completed INSANITY! 63 days, 19 shredded pounds, 4 notches in on the belt, 2 missed workouts, and a partridge in a pear tree. What a crazy 2 months THAT was...  My results are not exactly what I was originally expecting, but I'm far better than I was two months ago, that's for sure.  That dreaded beer belly is long gone, but I still have a fair amount of garbage hanging around in the abdomen region.  (Before/After pics will be available VERY soon...)  I know that my energy levels are far higher and physical strength is the best it's been for me in years.  All in all, a complete success.

 Below are my next final Fit Test results and weight results.

FIT TEST 10/4/2010 10/18/2010 11/8/2010 11/22/2010 12/5/2010
Switch Kicks 83 92 102 110 125
Power Jacks 35 43
Power Knees 55
Power Jumps 28
Globe Jumps 9
Suicide Jumps 11
Push-Up Jacks 12
Low Plank Oblique 41

- 10/4/2010: weighed in @ 221.5
- 10/11/2010: weighed in @ 217.5 (-4)
- 10/18/2010: weighed in @ 214 (-3.5)
- 10/25/2010: weighed in @ 209.5 (-4.5)
- 11/1/2010: weighed in @ 209.5 (+/- 0)
- 11/8/2010: weighed in @ 208.5 (-1)
- 11/15/2010: weighed in @ 206 (-2.5)
- 11/22/2010: weighed in @ 205 (-1)
- 11/29/2010: weighed in @ 203.5 (-1.5)
- 12/5/2010: weighed in @ 202.5 (-1)

This is a grand total of 19 lbs. shredded during my 63 day INSANITY Journey.  

What's next for me?  I'm taking this week off while making sure I get some really good stretching in each day.  Still considering doing a detox during the final few days of the week... but on Monday, December 13th I will start the next part of my wellness journey with P90X.  

I'm doing things right this time.  I'm taking all measurements and calculating my current body fat throughout.  In addition, I will be starting a new blog (video blog as well) for most everything I do, as well as those I help, for all things fitness and/or Beachbody related.

Please follow me on Twitter (@CoachFitNick) and check out my Team Beachbody and Shakeology pages as well. 
I can be reached via email at any time at  

Check back soon for new blog URL in the VERY near future!  Thank you to everyone for all of the support. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Nick: Day 60 - Three days to go...

Day 60: Max Interval Sports Training (5:10am)

60-Day Total-Body Conditioning Program, huh?  I should be done today then!  But, there are 3 days left, and I'm going to destroy each and every routine left.  Today's workout was another great one.  There are some tough moves in M.I.S.T. which kept me from as awesome of a workout yesterday, but I still nailed it.  What a fast two months it has been.  Even with the end of my 1st run of Insanity coming to a close, I'm pretty anxious and excited to start up P90X on the 13th.  Going to finish up what I could not complete with Insanity, which used to be a huge solid belly, which is now just a bit of a gut.  I should be able to shred that off and continue getting tone across my abdomen and upper body.

Tomorrow is Max Interval Plyo.  (Last time on THAT one for a while) It's a tough one.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Nick: Day 47 through 59 Recap - There is no finish line...

I am going to start this post off with an apology.  Sorry for being away from the blogging world for well over a week now.  Things have been pretty crazy and busy at both work and home.  I will start off by saying I did miss 2 workouts during week 8.  The two were Day 53 (Max Recovery) & Day 55 (Max Interval Sports Training). In addition to that, I totally half-assed Day 54 (Max Interval Circuit) as this was a super long day and knew I'd be out and up until close to 3:00am.  My diet was not spectacular (but not horrible) as I was off work the whole week.  I did have a couple pop's and a few beers.  (Shame on me)  I almost made it through 9 whole weeks without either of them.  

I am not going to give a detailed breakdown of each day, but below you will see my weekly weigh in and 4th Fit Test results...

Day 50: Fit Test #4 & Max Interval Circuit (6:30am & 2:00pm)

The fourth Fit Test was a great one.  I had so much energy this time around, I destroyed some of my previous numbers.  (let's hope I feel the same way on the final Fit Test on 12/5/2010)

FIT TEST 10/4/2010 10/18/2010 11/8/2010 11/22/2010 12/5/2010
Switch Kicks 83 92 102 110
Power Jacks 35 43

Power Knees 55

Power Jumps 28

Globe Jumps 9

Suicide Jumps 11

Push-Up Jacks 12

Low Plank Oblique 41

As of Monday (November 29th) I am down a total of 18 lbs.  Not too bad for 8 weeks in my opinion.  Here are my weekly weigh in results...

- 10/4/2010: weighed in @ 221.5
- 10/11/2010: weighed in @ 217.5 (-4)
- 10/18/2010: weighed in @ 214 (-3.5)
- 10/25/2010: weighed in @ 209.5 (-4.5)
- 11/1/2010: weighed in @ 209.5 (+/- 0)
- 11/8/2010: weighed in @ 208.5 (-1)
- 11/15/2010: weighed in @ 206 (-2.5)
- 11/22/2010: weighed in @ 205 (-1)
- 11/29/2010: weighed in @ 203.5 (-1.5)

As I stated in the header of this post... There is no finish line.  This is the frame of mind that I'm in. Now, there may be finish lines in goals, but not in what I'm working at.  I'm currently in a new lifestyle.  My diet is going to be forever changed. Will it always be 100%?  Hell no. But I now know what's good for me and what my body can and cannot handle.  INSANITY is just the beginning.  I am officially going to start P90X on Monday, December 13th which gives me an end date of March 14th.  I will be keeping this blog running, but I'm going to step it up a notch.  I'll be adding at MINIMUM, one video per week.  Going to get a little more up close and personal with my fitness development.  I have some large fitness goals for 2011, and I'm not waiting for the 1st of the year to get started.  

Tomorrow is Max Interval Sports Training.  This is a sweat inducer for sure!  (which makes it great fun).  See you all tomorrow.  I promise!  

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

goredgo- Day 58- the end of the journey

Well blog world we have come to the end of our journey. In a few days I will be finished with my first round of Insanity. Yep- I say first round because I am sure I will be doing it again someday. The workouts left me feeling great so how could I not come back to it?

For now I end with great results. I had my weigh-in at curves this week and got terrific news. I have lost 2 pounds (about time!) and another half a pound of body fat. In addition I have lost inches in my arms, waist, and stomach. I am feeling great and getting happier about the way I look every day.

My friends think I am having a mid-life crisis so I will go with that. If having a mid-life crisis means I want to look and feel better than so be it. My dad was excited about my fitness goal of going to the Warrior Dash in June. While everyone else at the Thanksgiving dinner table was telling me I was crazy he said he thought it sounded cool and if he was 20 years younger he would go for it. He even offered to pay my way. Thanks daddy!

After Saturday I will be taking a week off and then I will be starting up Cardio Fire. I am excited about this workout- the short workout time makes me believe I can do this and Curves at the same time. I am hoping to have a rockin body by summer. I hope you continue to stick with me through the next leg of this journey I have started.

Special thanks to Nick for encouraging me to get started and for keeping my spirits up throughout the last eight weeks. While he is moving on to P90X I am sure he will still be there for a great morale boost whenever I need it. He can be your fitcoach too. Check him out at

Final fit test results on Saturday everyone!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

day 52- almost there....

Hello blog world- sorry I have been an absentee blogger. Hey- work happens ;)
Here are my latest fit test results...
Switch kicks- 87- no change
Power Jacks- 48- up by 6
Power Knees- 80- up by 10
Power Jumps- 34- up by 11
Globe Jumps- 9- down by 2
Suicide jumps- 11- down by 1
Push up jacks- 10- up by 5 (thank you max plyo!)
Low Plank Obliques- 50- no change
So a real mixed bag of results this week. I think what is a real obstacle for me is the amount of sleep I need. I am not one of those people that can go hard core on a workout and work all day on 4 hours of sleep. And with a little one that still gets up in the night (especially when he is sick) it's tough for me to get up and do a full 55 minute workout then get ready and go to work. I have to say I am really looking forward to starting Cardio Fire. The workouts are shorter but still have all the burn.
I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. I have already told my dad to forgo my usual cheesecake (which I end up eating mostly by myself) because I am trying to avoid the crap. Tomorrow I will focus on smaller portions, and lots of water throughout the day. Monday is my weigh in and measure at Curves. See you then with an update.
In the meantime- be sure to check out the Insanity page on FB for 20 questions with Shaun T. he has some tidbits about Asylum coming out soon and why he got into fitness. :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

That fit test kicks my butt. Lol Today was a challenge, getting better but more importantly I’m being fit and active and I’m loving it. Keep pushing!

My Fit Test


Thursday, November 18, 2010

goredgo- Day 44-46

Day 44- Tuesday is one of my curves days. I got up in the morning and did cardio abs to start the day and went to Curves after work. I felt like I wasn't pushing very hard but my results showed that I did progress on almost every machine.

Day 45- Max Plyo- holy shit what was that? I didn't get a chance to get my workout in in the morning so when I got home from work at 1:45 I popped in my Insanity DVD and pulled up Max Plyo. First off the 55 minutes kind of threw me. The workouts are getting progressively longer which is actually tough for me because I have so little time as it is. But I knew I could get this done and be to my 3:00 appointment. "I'll just throw on a clean T-shirt and run out the door." Yeah right! This was 55 minutes of the most intense excercise I have ever done. When I got finished I needed a whole warbdrobe change not just a clean t-shirt. I was soaked with sweat! Which is actually a good thing. I know I got a good workout and today my arms are still sore from all the upper body work.

Day 46- I was back to cardio abs this morning and I am back to Curves this afternoon. I really want to push today and see how far I can progress on one workout. I know I am building some abs under my layer of fat but I am having trouble being patient and waiting for results. My body fat content is consistently coming back lower and as I have said in the past I know my body will take fat from around my internal organs first but I am very anxious to have some results i can see. I am still feeling like this guy here------>

ok- I know it's not that bad but you always have a worse image of yourself than everyone else does. I think when spring gets here some running will be in order. I lost the most weight and looked the best when I was doing a lot of walking right before my wedding. Multiple terrains and lots of hills seemed to work for slimming me down. In the meantime- a couple of more weeks of Insanity and then onto something new.

Nick: Day 44, 45 & 46 Recap - When you fall down...

Day 44: Max Interval Circuit (5:15am)

This workout, as I've said a few times already, is my favorite workout of all time.  (Used to be spinning classes, but that has changed)  I get the most out of this routine as I can complete 90% of it without taking a break and while keeping up with the machines on the video.  Also, I feel great when it's over.  The bad news is that I will not see this routine again until Monday along side the next Fit Test.  (going to make for a long morning for sure)

Day 45: Max Interval Plyo....sort of (5:15am)

What happened on Wednesday was bound to happen.  I ran into a brick wall.  It took me 45 days to get to a day that I did not complete a full workout.  Was not a great morning at all.  My alarm went off @ 4:50am as usual, and rolled out of bed, let the dog out, fed her, drank a couple glasses of water, got my shoes on, logged into WOWY SuperGym and pressed play.  About halfway through the workout, my whole body gave out and I found myself face first on the floor...  I stayed down for a moment to gather myself, took some sips of water and pushed through the rest of the warm up and the stretch.  I made it through the 1st Interval of Circuit one, and started the 2nd Interval, then BAM!  On the floor again.  My body was trying to tell me to cut it out.  So I did.  I forwarded to the Cool Down Stretch, completed that and threw in the towel.  I was NOT going to risk injuring myself.  Having to do this ate away at me all day.  Didn't help the stress levels at work, either.  ...sigh...

Day 46: Max Recovery (5:15am)

What do you do when you fall down?  Pick yourself back up!  I killed it this morning with Max Recovery.  Don't be fooled by the word "Recovery" because this workout is no joke.  Max Recovery required a decent amount of energy, especially for all the plank work involved.  Arms and Pecs are on FIRE!  (Core, too).

It's now decision time.  With 17 days left of Insanity, I know I'm not going to be done with getting myself into the shape I prefer, so I need to schedule out my next program.  I'm on the fence of whether to do P90X or give TurboFire a shot.  Or, repeat Insanity...  (shrug)  I'm leaning towards P90X with a start date of Dec. 13th.  I'll have the decision made soon.

Tomorrow is a double involving Max Cardio Conditioning and Insane Abs!  It's on!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 43 Zebulon

Today was I N S A N I N E. I had a hard time today but I know I will get this down and I will be able to do this all the way with no problems. I’m excited to be at this new level of fit. I love this workout.


goredgo day 43

Good afternoon world. If you have been following the whole We Are Going Insane! blog you will know that fitcoach Nick has lost 15 pounds. Way to go Nick! I am truly impressed with your accomplishments.

When I get on the scale it looks a little more like this image to the left. :) Ok, ok maybe not that bad. I have only lost about 2 pounds so far and I know that some of that is my fault for being such a slacker the week I was PMS'ing. Girls- I know you're with me on this one. Sometimes you just need chocolate. Boys- you wouldn't understand.

I vowed to get back on track though and I did this weekend. I couldn't make it to Curves because I didn't have anyone to watch my kids so I popped in Max Cardio. This workout almost made me throw up but I felt really good afterwards. I have noticed that I am not able to get as far into my stretches as I was able to at first which puzzles me but I pushed through. My son Joe was right there with me. He was so into it as soon as Shaun T took his shirt off he said "Mommy! it's time to take off our shirts!" You go little man. He especially loves the football runs.

Sunday was a day of rest. In mommy land this means it was a day of laundry, cleaning the house, and playing with the kids. I also helped Joe make brownies for his class. This was pure torture but I managed to keep from licking the entire bowl.

This morning I was back on Max Cardio. It was by no means easier but I was able to keep up a little better since I knew what was coming. Tomorrow I am going to get up and do cardio abs in the morning followed by Curves in the afternoon. Friday will be an interesting day. I will have Insanity in the morning followed by a whole day of loading Girl Scout Fall Product into cars from 9am- 4:30 p.m. Not as bad a cookies but it will be a workout on top of my workout nonetheless.

Until tomorrow everyone~

Nick: Day 41, 42 & 43 Recap - Massive Results!

Day 41: Max Interval Plyo (6:30am)

This workout is a complete ass kicker.  No joke.  At times during the routine I feel I'm not getting a whole lot out of it as I feel that I am not completing enough reps.  But when it's all said and done, I feel great and have what I feel is an awesome burn.  The abs get a good ripping, as does the upper body.

Day 42: Rest Day

As I've said time and time again... this rest day was needed.  Although the Browns lost, they looked good and put up a decent fight!  (Colt McCoy is still the man!)  Also, had a very successful band practice in Columbus, OH in preparation for a very important fundraiser / benefit concert on Friday, Nov. 26th, 2010.  Click the following link for details.

Day 43: Max Cardio Conditioning (5:25am)

Today pretty much rocked.  The workout was tough (as it should be) but my physical results are simply awesome.  I weighed in with another 2.5 lbs gone!  That brings me to a total of 15.5 lbs since October 4th.  On top of that, today I'm wearing a new pair of khaki's that are a size down from when I 1st start my Insanity journey.  (and they're fitting a little on the loose side, too)  AND... I'm on the inner most notch on my current belt.  The bad news in all of this is that I'm going to need to spend some money on clothes.  Drop from size XL shirts to size L shirts.  Another size smaller in jeans & khaki.  New belts.  A whole new me is in the making and I've never felt better.

Here are my current weigh in results from the start of my Insanity journey through current...

- 10/4/2010: weighed in @ 221.5
- 10/11/2010: weighed in @ 217.5 (-4)
- 10/18/2010: weighed in @ 214 (-3.5)
- 10/25/2010: weighed in @ 209.5 (-4.5)
- 11/1/2010: weighed in @ 209.5 (+/- 0)
- 11/8/2010: weighed in @ 208.5 (-1)
- 11/15/2010: weighed in @ 206 (-2.5)

One thing I'm regretting at this point is not taking measurements of my chest, waist, arms, legs and neck.  I know those results would be pretty solid, too... but I completely slacked on that detail 7 weeks ago.

Tomorrow is another visit with my current favorite Insanity Routine, Max Interval Circuit.

Friday, November 12, 2010

goredgo- Day 40

I have been having an affair. I haven't mentioned it because like all affairs it made me feel good but was undermining at the same time. It happens every morning and started at the gas station but now I get it where ever I can.

Yep- I have been having an affair with Chocolate muffins and hot chocolate every morning. What were you thinking?

I realized as I struggled through my fit test this morning that my little foodie affair has been undermining my progress even though I haven't been seeing it during the last two weeks. I realized as I was doing my fit test that it's not only the chocolate muffins and hot chocolate in the morning- it's a "fun-sized" 3 musketeers in the afternoon instead of carrots and peanut butter. And it's a glass of Coke instead of a glass of unsweetened Raspberry Zinger tea. Blame it on PMS, blame it on complacency, but I recognized this morning that it is wrong and have re-committed myself to eating right. After all- if I am going to push my body in these crazy work-outs I need to give it the good stuff it needs to run right.

I am also going to amp up my Curves days workouts. I don't think a full morning of Insanity followed by an after-work trip to Curves is on the menu yet but I do think a 15 minute date with Cardio Abs in the morning might be a better way to start my day and remind me of what I am trying to accomplish. Below are my Fit test (which I should have done on Monday -I know) results. Not too shabby considering what a slacker and snacker I have been over the last three weeks.

Switch Kicks- 87 (down by 8)
Power Jacks- 42 (up by 7)
Power Knees- 70 (up by 14)
Power Jumps- 23 (down by 1)
Globe Jumps- 11 (up by 3)
Suicide Jumps- 12 (up by 2)
Push-Up Jacks- 5 (up by 5)
Low Plank Oblique- 50 (up by 12)

NIck: Day 40 - Total Success!

Day 40: Max Interval Circuit (5:15am)

I can't even begin to tell you guys how unbelievable awesome my workout was this morning.  Total feeling of accomplishment.  I completed sweat through an under shirt, T-shirt and a hooded sweatshirt.  In addition, I was able to complete all three sets of Full Body Drills!  These drills consist of Dropping into High Plank (push-up position) and running in place for 8 counts, the doing 4 moving Push-Ups to one side, then eight Wide Knees, popping your knees inward, jumping straight up and dropping back down into high plank... and repeat!  It was super tough but I LOVED IT!  This mornings workout has given me the motivation I need to make it through the final day of a long work week.  (even with being off of work on Monday...)

Only 23 days left in my INSANITY journey.  Looking forward to my final results and sharing them with the world.

Tomorrow is visit number 2 with Max Interval Plyo.  (kinda scared)  Be well.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nick: Day 33 - 39 Massive Update - BACK IN THE ZONE!

Ok, so... I pretty much suck.  I have not completed an update in a week!  SHAME ON ME!  No need to worry, though.  I did NOT miss a SINGLE workout.  I have now completed day 39 with every workout completed.  What a great feeling that is.

Day 33 & 34: Core Cardio & Balance (5:15am)

Friday and Saturday were the 5th and 6th helpings of Core Cardio & Balance to finish up Recovery week in preparation for Phase 2.  Not much to report on for Friday, but Saturday had some draw backs...  I went to a co-workers wedding, which was an unbelievable wedding at that... but I did not eat and drink to the healthy standards I have set for my self these couple of months.  Had quite a few Vodka Tonics (with a glass of water between each one) and partook in the eating of cake and chocolate mousse. (...sigh...)  Again, shame on me.

Day 35: Rest Day (5:15am)

Sunday was a day of rest, but I still got a good cardio workout watching the Cleveland Brown annihilate the New England Patriots! (which is needed in my opinion...)  Reality check for Brady and Friends.  Colt McCoy is just... wow.  We finally have a quarter back in Cleveland!  (I know, it's only one big game, but the kid is smart and has the drive for success.) Here we go Brownies, here we go!  WOOF WOOF!

Day 36: Fit Test & Max Interval Circuit (5:15am)

Monday rocked on so many levels.  First off, I took a vacation day and was able to go the the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and Rainforest with my wife and 13 month old son.  It was an awesome visit.  The place was pretty much empty and most of the animals were super active!

On top of that, I did my 3rd Fit Test and my first run at Max Interval Circuit.  FINALLY!  I have the burn again!  Recovery week was super hard for me.  I hit my plateau and lost the burn all at the same time.  Felt like I was wasting my time.  (which I know I wasn't).  I did lose 1 lb during recover week which puts me at a grand total of 13 lbs lost in 5 weeks!  Max Interval Circuit was pretty tough, especially after during the 30 minute Fit Test, but I made it through just fine.  Also, my Fit Test results show how I've increased in strength, especially my core.

Current Stats:
Weight:      208.5  (goal 190) - started at 221.5!

Here are my Fit Test results for Fit Test #3.

FIT TEST 10/4/2010 10/18/2010 11/8/2010 11/22/2010 12/5/2010
Switch Kicks 83 92 102

Power Jacks 35 43

Power Knees 55

Power Jumps 28

Globe Jumps 9

Suicide Jumps 11

Push-Up Jacks 12

Low Plank Oblique 41

Day 37: Max Interval Plyo (5:15am)

My goodness was this TOUGH!  SO much upper body action in the one.  My puny pecs can only take so much!  I have a feeling this one is going to be my Phase 2 nemesis (as Pure Cardio was in Phase 1).  I have my goal set to get all the way through this workout with only the scheduled breaks my the end of this program.  Bring it!

Day 38: Max Cardio Conditioning (5:15am)

This workout was fun.  A good little non-stop 45 minutes sweat fest.  Nothing compares to that satisfactory feeling of being completely out of breath and soaked in sweat.  Feels good to be back in the zone!

Day 39: Max Recovery (5:15am)

Ok, why the hell did they use the word "Recovery" in the title of this video.  I actually found this to be pretty tough and rather strenuous.  (some of the stretches felt GREAT though)  I mean, wow.  Having to do the High Plank to Low Plank over and over was a serious butt kicker.  It's all about digging deep and pushing through, but it was hard to do today.  Not used to some of the movements required in today's routine.

Tomorrow is another helping of Max Interval Circuit and I cannot wait!  See you then!